Wifi Clock Micropython Class Reference

Carlo Supina

March 5, 2020

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Class WifiClock

The WifiClock class is built around the Wifi Clock kit. View and download the Wifi Clock code from our github.

Example Usage

Set time manually.

from wifi_clock_starter import WifiClock

wificlock = WifiClock()
wificlock.set_time(15, 47, 32) # Set time to 15:47:32 (3:47 PM)

Set time using a time server.

from wifi_clock_starter import WifiClock

wificlock = WifiClock()
wificlock.connect_to_wifi('ssid', 'password')
wificlock.set_time_ntp(-5) # Set time to UTC -5


class WifiClock()

Creates a WifiClock instance.

External Methods

WifiClock.connect_to_wifi(ssid, password)

Connects to a wifi access point.

  • ssid is a string and the name of a wifi access point to connect to.
  • password is a string and the name of the password for the wifi access point.

WifiClock.set_time(hour, minute, second)

Sets the hours, minutes and seconds to the RTC.

  • hour is a positive integer and the hour to set the clock to.
  • minute is a positive integer and the minutes to set the clock to.
  • second is a positive integer and the seconds to set the clock to.


Sets the hours, minutes and seconds to the RTC using a time server.

  • utc_offset is an integer and the offset of a time from utc time.


Starts the clock, updating the displays every second.


Sets the brightness of the six 7-segment displays.

  • value is an integer and a number between 0 and 15 representing the desired brightness level.
    • 0 is the dimmest setting.
    • 15 is the brightest setting.


Turns all of the 7-segment displays completely off and sets the current number to None.

WifiClock.write_num(value, [dp=0b000000])

Writes a decimal number to the displays.

  • value is an integer number between -99999 and 999999.
  • dp is an optional binary value between 000000 and 111111 which respectively represents which displays to turn on the decimal point.


Writes a hexadecimal number to the displays.

  • value is a hexadecimal integer between 0x000000 and 0xFFFFFF.


Toggles an LED on and off.

  • led is a machine.Pin assigned to an LED output.


Increments the number written on the displays by 1.

  • hex is a bool that when set to True increments and displays the value in hexadecimal.


Decrements the number written on the displays by 1. If

  • hex is a bool that when set to True increments and displays the value in hexadecimal.


Function called when the Mode button is pressed.

  • pin is the pin of the interrupt.


Function called when the Incr button is pressed.

  • pin is the pin of the interrupt.


Function called when the Decr button is pressed.

  • pin is the pin of the interrupt.


Callback function used to update the clock time from RTC.

  • tim is the Timer of the interrupt.


Callback function to be used for the Wifi Clock's timer.

  • tim is the Timer of the interrupt.

Internal Methods


Updates the display from the RTC.

WifiClock._register(command, data)

Writes data to MAX7219 using a command.

  • command is an integer and a MAX7219 command.
  • data is an integer and the data to be sent.


Checks for consecutive reads from a button and returns 1 or 0 depending on weather it passes.

  • button is a Pin and a button to sample.

External Variables


An output Pin representing the red LED on the Wifi Clock.


An output Pin representing the green LED on the Wifi Clock.


An output Pin representing the blue LED on the Wifi Clock.


An input Pin representing the Mode button on the Wifi Clock.


An input Pin representing the Incr button on the Wifi Clock.


An input Pin representing the Decr button on the Wifi Clock.


An integer that is the current number displays.


A binary integer that represents the current decimal point arrangement on the displays.


A WLAN instance setup with a station interface for the Wifi Clock.


A RTC instance for the Wifi Clock.


A Timer instance for the Wifi Clock.

Internal Variables


A SPI bus for the Wifi Clock.


A Pin that is the CS for the MAX7219 chip.

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